Aman Union is a professional forum assembling Commercial & Non-commercial Risks Insurers & Reinsurers in Member Countries of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation and of the Arab Investment & Export Credit Guarantee Corporation “Dhaman”.

AMAN Union is established in accordance with the provisions of its Charter ratified on 28th October, 2009.

To download the Charter in English click here

Aman Union aims at promoting and developing the commercial and non commercial risks insurance industry in Member Countries and strengthening the mutual relationships among members through a range of activities of which we list:

  • Development of established National Export Credit Agencies and creation of new ones in Member Countries.
  • Encouragement of exchange of information, technical assistance, expertise and consultation among Members.
  • Development of credit information agencies as well as development of debt-collection agencies, training centers and other institutions that contribute to the progress of export credit insurance industry in Members Countries.
  • Carrying out studies and research, issuance of bulletins and publications and, organization of forums and conferences relevant to the union purposes.

Aman Union acts to raise the technical performance, knowledge and capacities of its Members to the utmost advanced levels of commercial and non-commercial insurance practices in the world that in return will contribute to the development of the economies of Member Countries.

Aman Union is committed to perform commercial and non-commercial risk insurance activities in total respect of human values and business ethics.

Aman Union structure consists of the three following organs:

  1. The General Assembly: consist of the representatives of all the Union Members.
  2. The Executive Council:  is the executive and policy making body of the Union. Its membership consists of seven Full Members.
  3. The General Secretariat: is the permanent administrative body of the Union. The General Director of the Arab Investment and Export Credit Guarantee Corporation and the Chief Executive Officer of the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit and Chief Executive Officer of Turk Eximbank are alternately, every two years, the Secretary General of the Union.
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Aman Union 13th Annual Meeting 2023, Dubai, UAE

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Get in touch

Address: C/O The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC)

Phone : (+966) 12 646 7591
Fax: (+966) 12 644 3447